Governors Message

Safeguarding & Child Protection – Information from our Board of Governors

The Governors are keen to make sure our parents are fully informed about the school’s role in keeping children safe. Safeguarding pupils is one of our highest priorities and safeguarding processes and procedures are thoroughly inspected as part of every Ofsted inspection.

We constantly review our policies and procedures in this area and all staff receive appropriate training. The purpose of this letter is to inform parents of our legal duties.

What happens if a member of staff is concerned about a child?

All children have an absolute right to a childhood free from abuse, neglect or exploitation. Children learn best and thrive when they are well-looked after and feel safe and secure. Staff are responsible for the well-being of pupils in their care and have a duty to act upon any concerns, no matter how minor they may appear. Concerns may be linked to medical issues, personal hygiene, behaviour, weight loss or gain or other areas.

Usually, staff will discuss any concerns with parents and agree any actions or support. In some instances, this may lead to a referral to an outside agency e.g. the School Nurse or Behaviour Support and this may result in external agencies working with the child or family to support them in addressing the area of concern.

What happens when a child or adult makes a disclosure?

Children or parents/carers may disclose information to staff which means staff have a duty to take immediate action. This tends to be where a child tells an adult that they have been abused in some way, sometimes such a disclosure is made by a parent or carer. The school must then seek and follow advice from Referral and Assessment or from the LADO. It is not the school’s role to investigate the incident but we are required to follow locally agreed safeguarding procedures and to pass on information.

Following a referral, a social worker may wish to speak to any children involved individually and/or to the parent or carer and in some cases, a medical may also be necessary. 

What is the legal position?

Any adult working with children in a position of trust should never hit children. Reasonable restraint may be used at school if a child’s behaviour is posing a threat to themselves or others. Parents are not allowed to hit children with any sort of implement or to leave any type of mark when handling children. When a child or adult discloses that this may have happened, the police may also be involved in the investigation. This is beyond the control of the school.

How does school safeguard children?

The Governing Body has agreed several policies and procedures to ensure pupils’ safety and all staff are responsible for implementing these. Some of the main areas are listed:

  • Child Protection – all staff are trained to follow procedures.

  • Safer Recruitment – staff and governors, who are involved in appointments, undergo training.

  • Health and Safety – to ensure a safe environment in all activities and educate pupils about personal safety.

  • Attendance – this is monitored closely as poor attendance can indicate wider problems.

  • Anti-bullying & Behaviour – we promote positive behaviour and encourage pupils to talk to an adult if they are being bullied.

  • Equality  – to ensure equal opportunities for all our pupils.

  • Medical Conditions – to support pupils with particular needs.

  • Educational Visits – to enrich the curriculum, while minimising risk.

  • E-Safety and Internet Safety – to raise awareness and educate about possible risks.

  • School Security – to make the school site as safe as possible.

Further details of these policies and others can be found in the policies section of our website


What role can parents play?

Parents play a key role in helping their children to be well-looked after and feel safe and secure. Areas that can make a big difference to the well-being of a child include ensuring that their children:

  • Eat healthily at regular intervals (breakfast is the most important meal).

  • Get regular exercise and rest (most children need about 10 hours sleep).

  • Wash regularly and have clean, appropriate clothing.

  • Understand the importance of attending school every day and arriving on time.

  • Understand possible risks e.g. road safety, Internet safety etc.

  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour and show others respect.

  • Understand the importance of telling the truth.

  • Have their medical needs met.

  • Understand that they should not use violence to resolve conflict.

  • Understand that they can talk to adults if they have any worries.

The Governors and school are keen to continue working with parents to ensure the best for our children. We will be continuing to develop ways of supporting families. Through working together we can hopefully support all children in having a happy, healthy and positive childhood.

We would like to thank parents for their support with these sensitive issues.

Kind regards,

Mr Imtiaz Kala
Chair of Governors

Building a Bright Future Together